
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rizzobear is off to school!

I cannot believe my little Rizzobear is going to be four years old on August 30th.  Where did these four years go?!  Along with the excitement of her "Princess Hello Kitty My Little Pony Rapunzel" Birthday Party that I have the pleasure of planning (this is the last year that she gets to pick the theme!), she's super excited about starting big girl preschool on August 21st.

I really love the school district we're in.  Her preschool teacher asked to for an in-home meet and greet, where she got to meet Rizzo and overload me with paperwork.  #1 on the list is that she needs a folder.  The left side is for transporting important papers home, and the right side is for returning things to school.  I was going to go to the store and pick her up a generic Hello Kitty folder, but I couldn't dare send her off to school with a boring ol' Hello Kitty folder. 

I decided to do this instead:

She needed something personalized. I've cursed her, really...never will she walk into a souvenir shop and find a mug or key chain sporting her name.  So, I dusted off the Cricut and made some letters.

 Then I made her "home" and "school" sides.  For the "home" side, I used Some Odd Girl's Little Love Tia.

 For the "school" side, I used Some Odd Girl's Teacher's Pet Tia. 

After I got everything laid out, I put a layer of Mod Podge over the inside and out, to ensure nothing gets ripped.

Hopefully, she loves it!  My luck, she'll ask for a Hello Kitty folder.  =o D

Thanks for looking!


  1. This is absolutely fabulous!!! I love all the SOG images you have incorporated in here, and it works perfectly with Paper Issues theme this week too. LOVE!

  2. Love the folder!! Thanks for linking up over at

  3. So cute! Thanks for sharing at Pape Issues!
